Levenhow Residents Association is organising our annual clean-up/tidy-up of the burn and culvert on Saturday, 24th August. Starting time will be announced on WhatsApp nearer the time
This clean-up is essential as we can go through the burn, taking away things that should not be there that could block the culvert - also cleaning the culvert to remove vegetation from the top of it. This creates a channel for the water to get over the top of the culvert.
The more people that help on the 24th of August from around Levenhowe, the quicker the tasks will be completed.
More information will be sent out through WhatsApp over the next few weeks.
For more information contact:
Denis Blackwood: 07803 886736
Steve Lawson: 07815 724167
Lesley O'Hare: 07711 356806
Alan Hubner: 07811 287 483