Meeting at The Vale Pool 26th April 2023

Meeting at The Vale Pool 26th April 2023

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Meeting at The Vale Pool 26th April 2023

Minutes of Levenhowe Residents Association 26th April 2023

Those Attending:-
Denis Blackwood: Chair 27 LR
Lesley O’Hare: Secretary 33LR
Gary Casey
AM Sweeney
William Anderson
Alan Hubner
Carol McKerry
Julie Lawson
Alan Fleming
Barrie McLaren
Ewan Fraser

1. Denis gave an update on how things stand at present.
a) Bank Change
The bank account for the Association monies has had to be changed to the Bank Of Scotland as the Municipal Bank where the account was previously held has closed. At present, there is just over £6,000 in the account. There are some debts to be paid, so there will be a drawdown of cash to pay these and to give us some petty cash for small debts.

b) Change of Committee

Due to the inaugural committee members wishing to stand down, new members volunteered to take over.

We would like to thank the retiring committee for all the work they have done over the past few years.

However, we still require a treasurer to allow us to have a full committee. If we can’t put forward a full committee, we may be required to return the money we have left to the Council. Alan Burns may take up the post, but if anyone else would like to volunteer, please get in touch. We would really like more residents to get involved or engage with the committee to help improve our estate.

If you would like to get involved, please get in touch with Denis Blackwood either at 27 Levenhowe Road or on 07803 886735

2. Burn Clear Up

This is done once a year, usually about July/ August time.

This is done with the aim of stopping the burn from overflowing and flooding the estate. There is some equipment to aid this, but we may purchase more in the future. Anyone wishing to get involved in the clear up please get in touch.

3. White Lines At The Junction Of Levenhowe Place

It was requested that these lines were put in place to make it clear who has right of way when entering or exiting the Place. This has now been done.

4. Collapsed Drains

The collapsed drain at the top of Levenhowe Road and on the turning circle have now been repaired. Councillor Martin Rooney was a big help in achieving this.

5. Flood Prevention

A general rundown of things so far.

We were led to believe Levenhowe was a priority. There was a meeting with Councillor McColl last year and we were led to believe that money was earmarked for this. Councillor McColl then sent an email saying that Labour was now in charge of the Council, and they had reallocated the money. He was then found to be hard to get hold of. Councillor Rooney has now said that a survey is going to be done at a cost of £350,000, which seems ridiculous.

It is hoped that those of us who have been involved in keeping the burn flowing and free of debris will be able to get involved in the walk-through. We don't want money spent on the burn until they speak to us and hear our concerns.

The walk-through is anticipated to take place in May.

It was suggested that we take a walk up the burn to see what is happening before it reaches us. This could be helpful but unfortunately, we can’t get involved in this area.

We need to inspect the sides of the burn and the culvert as these are the main problems with the banks crumbling and the culvert being narrow.

It is thought that it may cost a considerable amount of money to fix the problem of the culvert and that there will be no long-term fix in the next few years.

It was decided that we need to keep up our dialogue with the Council regarding flood management.

On that note flood protection equipment is available free, up to the value of around £500 per household - or as long as it lasts!

Available at the depot in Broadmeadow.

6. Website

Alan Hubner has developed a website for the Residents Association to disseminate information and for residents to use.

A flyer will be sent to residents to let them know how to access it. Residents who are self-employed etc, will be able to advertise on the website.

7. Weeds at LHP Entrance

This is a problem. Ewan Fraser will try and deal with this and see how he gets on. If he is successful, we will get the cost added to the gardening bill.

Road Safety

The speed of vehicles coming in to the estate plus the number of parked cars on the road is causing some concern about the safety of residents and of young children and toddlers.

It is hoped by mentioning this it will encourage residents to slow down when entering and leaving the estate.

Salt Bin

We used to have one on the estate, but no longer. We tend not to get salted when the weather is bad and we would benefit from having one especially as most of the street is in the shade in the morning making it quite dangerous for driving.


There is a lot of debris in the burn at present eg, road signs, roll of fencing and a shopping trolley. We need a ladder and some sort of hook with the clearance. Barrie will check out costs.

Silt is building up at the culvert and under the bridge.

Denis will contact Councillor Rooney.

There is also a collapsed wall which needs to be cleared.

Grass area at the top of the street

It was wondered what could be done here to make it more appealing eg, plant trees. Ewan will investigate the costs and put quotes on the website.


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